Sports Accident Insurance
Get covered for accidents or injuries…
… when in play
… when in play
As an amateur or semi-professional sportsperson, you will understand that the repercussions of an injury can result in you being unable to work in the meantime or to be able to partake in leagues and tournaments.
This policy will support you during the period of rehabilitation and recovery following an accident with the option to include loss of earnings cover if required. This is a particularly important consideration for those predominantly undertaking manual labour.
This policy can be tailored to meet your specific needs, based on the level of risk to you personally.
Your policy will cover you in areas such as personal accident, broken bone payments, accidental death, and personal liability. This means that you can rest assured that if something goes wrong, you have support in place to get you up and running as quickly as possible.
Just remember, if you’re travelling abroad, this cover alone won’t be sufficient as it doesn’t cover for medical expenses abroad or repatriation so it may be worth checking out our Sports Travel Insurance or Activity TopUp cover.